Alee sygg,
CONGRATS on your new career!
You know, besides cooking your sambal nasi lemak (Goshh I miss that)
and baking your famous amos/choc peanut butter cookies that taste soo SEDAPs,
you can actually do your THINGGGGG
Hahaha you will do just fine
In fact, you'd do GREAT there
In the office, with the people/colleagues
(Lets just hope there'll be some GOOD LOOKING or HOT lads for you to cuci mata, of course not now its Ramadhan :) )
Be patient, Suhana!
Don't you worry,
Everything's gonna be okay
First few weeks will be quite rough
But, after that?
Just a piece of CAKE
Those weeks? They wont kill :)
I syg you jugak lah banyak-banyak
Like what? Like hujan gula-gula
hheeeeee i love hujan gula-gula! love you suemayyyyy!